Sunday, 6 March 2011

Beauty tip: How to get a hollywood smile.

  •  One of the best beauty assets of all is a set of  perfect white teeth.I am not about to suggest everyone runs off and gets a set of expensive veneers that will eventually fall off , but here are the rules for perfecting what you have : 
  • Visit your dentist every 6 months to get your teeth cleaned professionally.
  • Use a toothpaste twice a day containing fluoride , and brush gently[too hard and you risk your  gums receding ] for at least 2 minutes  -30 seconds  isn't long enough to remove plaque. Remember to brush your tongue too.
  • Change your toothbrush every 2 months or better still invest in an electric toothbrush.
  • Use dental floss every time you brush teeth and little interdental brushes for gappy teeth.
  • Use an alcohol free mouthwash after every brushing to remove bacteria, if you have inflamed gums use one containing chlorhexidine [temporarily].
  • Use whitening toothpastes regularly, home whitening kits tend to contain very low levels of peroxide so any serious whitening by laser needs to be done by a professional.
  • Reduce stains by rubbing lemon zest , fresh strawberries,charcoal,sage leaves or burnt rosemary. 
  • Massage your gums daily with your index finger to improve blood flow and help prevent receding gums.
  • A make-up artists tip to quickly age someone for a film is to brown their teeth ....this says a lot.
  • I am all in favour of moving the teeth you have !I have been using the Clearstep system which involves a series of invisible teeth positioners which slowly move your teeth for a perfect smile and nobody need know you are doing it . And they come on a set of colourful plaster moulds !See photo above.

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